Monday, January 30, 2012

The Sculptor

thirty seven.

Marble saint skin of mine
Stretched over child bones,
Flesh wrapped
Stretched, wrapped
Until my edges are worn 
Until I'm worn soft.
Beheld in my infancy,
Untouched slab of stone
Carved clean
By calloused hands

That's what they told me as a child.
(In so many words)

Am I so dull?
Am I not in my head?
I don't exist in my hollow statue walls
Only behind them
I am not so pale or manufactured.

I am red inside my veins,
Am a
Tainted, accidental disaster
Breathed and discarded
By so many fathers

Breathed by cold wet ground aren't we?
Breathed by green water?

I am no mother
Am no child
Am no his and his
And his --


  1. I really love this... would you mind if i put it on my facebook? giving you full credit of course!
    i read your poems often, and even though there a few comments, i think quite a lot of other people do too. you should consider making little booklets of poems for people to buy, i know i would buy one if you did.

  2. Sure, as long as I'm credited I don't mind, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I've recently sent a few out to a publisher...fingers crossed.
