Sunday, November 6, 2011

Remember the Sun Drunk Things

twenty two.

It was raining in Los Angeles
The world was pooling at our feet
Desert people crowded under
Black umbrellas crowded under
Smoky sulfur lights strung over 
River shining streets
And it was all too close --
Too real.
I remembered dream-like
Desert walking
In silver sun 
And restless air, thick and swaying 
Chanting desert things
And running my palms over 
Gently scratching cacti needles
Taunting vultures with the blood throbbing at my
And following scorpions into the sand
I remembered the absence of 
So much close 
Much real and
Even before --
My youth-rushed insane 
Those brave uncalled for battle cries
That claw their way from child lips
That beckon to the beasts
Behind the clothes and toys
That beckon 
"Bring the sky to me"
"Bring the rain --
To me"
They catch it on their tongues,
The remaining
Brave young sun-drunk things
Emerge from pink-glow night light rooms
Emerge in patterned gowns
Break down grey drowned ruins 
 In fumbling hands 
They take, they make play grounds 
I think they left the desert
Long before I noticed 
Now and now I am aware
Of my own sky-soaked sleeves