Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Cat People

twenty one.

Outside the cafe --
Beside the yellow window light
And neon black night, he spoke 
From leathered skin, denim tainted.

He might have spoke me beware
The ides when he warned me
Of my feline eyes,
My upturned cat people blue eyed stare
And the cat people I draw near to.
He might have spoke beware and smiled
Black toothed, spoke beware.

And did I laugh out there, in the crisp october air?
When he spoke me calmly of the crooked little finger
On my right hand
And how it meant the man people 
Failed me once.

Then - how I fear domination.

And the night ran like cold water down my bones
And the smoke hung a heavy screen between
The world and this old fool and me
While he 
Went on speaking to himself

About the manifestation of animals
In us
About how we never listen to the animals
In us
Like beasts do
(And when at times we do, we become them too)

Even the cat people are only half clawed
And half saber toothed
And they don't listen to themselves when they
Hear somewhere deep inside their twisted
Tunnel ears

That they fear, and they draw near
To love and other such monsters
Under the bed.

Have they said yet whether it was worth it after all
(I've not tried it yet)
To have looked upon the face of a pained and pretty
People child behind a people grown up guise
And stand - to bet some four and a half lives
On a pair of kindred feline eyes

And later read it on their hands?